These are the notes for the meeting that occurred on the aforementioned date. Thank you to everyone that came and once more, welcome to all our new members. Please review these notes and keep them in the fore front of your mind and daily activities when involved in-game.
I. Chain of Command
a. GMs - Unholier/Unsaintly and Sodza/Benefactus
b. Raid Leader - Gravereign/Unhallowed
c. Raid Officers - Rahzel/Cingular and Benefactus/Sodza
II. Implementation of "Mentors" rather than officers within the guild (does not apply to raids). Mentors are people that understand that there is a time to lead and a time to listen and sit back.
a. Mentors will be chosen by the GMs and Raid Leader based on poise, knowledge and other abilities.
b. This will not happen overnight, lots of work to be done, lots of ideas tossed around.
c. Hoping this will help take some pressure off of Leaders of the Guild and allow more interaction.
III. Respect.
a. Keep sexual advances private and stop when asked.
b. If you hear or see offensive chat (outside of the Uncensored Vent Channel) ask privately for it to cease.
c. Keep Lobby of Vent rated G, we never know who's kids are around and no one wants an "oops"
d. There is no bad-mouthing other members of the guild or ridiculing them allowed (outside of normal playfulness).
IV. Patience.
a. No one is here soley to help another person. Ask but do not pressure your peers into helping you.
b. Main toons will be given preference over alts, always.
c. Bear with us while we reset raid times to accommodate the majority of the guild for 25 man content.
d. Learn who your new guildies are and be willing to break out of normal "clique" runs and share company.
V. Application Process. We all want to play with our friends.
a. Starting 4.22.08, EVERYONE must fill out an application to join the guild.
b. Preference is given to classes we NEED over those we don't.