Wednesday July 23 at 11:59 PM! We will kick off the Midnight gruuls. Whether it becomes a weekly thing, or a once a month thing will remain to be seen.
Fair warning. I am a rookie at raid leading gruuls, but not at leading in general. However, do not be surprised, or upset if we hit a rough spot or two.
Every raid has rules, and because we will have many non guildies, they will be posted here.
The reason for the rules? Hopefully, we can extend beyond gruuls in the late night run quick enough. So they need to be outlined.
Rule 1 - There is one raid leader. For this raid, it is me, I do it because no-one else will consistently take responsibility. I am capable, but not infallible. If someone is assigned by the raid leader to specific tasks, they are to be listened to. (This will likely happen a lot initially)
Rule 2 - Vent is for raid instructions and issues. Not idle chat.
Rule 3 - You are not here to do your own thing. If you don't like the way its done, say so after, in WHISPERS. If you can't handle that, get out. Ventrilo, is not your Venting platform, we don't care how uber you are or that you have 10 chars that have cleared sunwell so you know just what you're talking about.
There are a few people who are allowed to make inspired on the fly decisions. If you have to ask yourself if you're it. You're not.
Rule 4 - If, you cannot handle me or someone designated as a 'leader' calling out mistakes. I DO NOT WANT YOU HERE. Guildy, pug.. Anyone.
Rule 5 - Loot is done this way (in order of precedence) | Main char (Main spec) ---> Main char (Off spec) ---> Alt (Main Spec) ---> Alt (Off Spec)
If you win something, you cannot roll on another something unless it is going to be shredded.
Rule 6 - You are responsible to aquire your food buffs, potions, elixirs, flasks. All of which are mandatory. For guildies, there is loads of help. Non guildies.. well.
Rule 7 - If you cannot follow these rules, You are not wanted in this raid, and you will be kicked if you step too far out of line.
This run does not have to happen. I won't be all weepy if too many people dislike me or the rules to make this happen. I will count myself lucky that I spared myself the headaches a raid with people that don't listen would bring. Also, there is a real possibility that, being so late we just won't be able to get the crew. I want to have a great time doing this, that's why we've given ourself a lot of initial time to set it up
Raid Leader: Baean
Co Leader - Roonien
Healer Leader - Alcedonia
Personel co-ordinator -
Invites at : 11:30 PM ( wed night )
Raid time End: 3:30 AM (though.. hopefully it will be dead by then!)
Character List
Tank 1 - Baean
Tank 2 - Dorianx
Tank 3 - Floranna
Heal 1 - Alcedonia
Heal 2 - Hidria
Heal 3 - Nianthis
Heal 4 - Inmanhawk
Heal 5 - Aereanna
Heal 6 - Benefactus
Heal 7 -
Hunter 1 - Roonien
Hunter 2 - Sigmar
Hunter 3 - Classified
Fire Mage - Celyn (Mage!)
Boomkyn - Velos (4th hunter)
Warlock 1 - Jackazz (warlock)
Warlock 2 - Harklyn (warlock)
Melee 1 - Galorne (fury war)
Melee 2 - Tadiefor (ret pal)
Melee 3 - Talus (enhance shammy)
Melee 4 - Arms warrior who's name I can't remember!
Melee 5 - Jirram
Ranged 1 - Blew
Ranged 2 - Lumecast
Ranged 3 - Malsumis