Great fun Friday night killing Nalorakk with you all; there was some discussion about going back and having another Blewbelle training session on the bird boss trash (I know I'll figure it out at some point).
These are the people who went Friday night:
Roflwaffle (T)
Blewbelle (T)
Fluffydoom (D)
Namar (H)
Moridon (D)
Beba (H)
Seksmachine D)
Harklyn (D)
Malsumis (D or H)
Sunari (D or H)(I'm pretty sure that's what the last scrawl is, my handwriting has been compared to arabic script, and not complementarily)
Namar is unavailable tonight, but if you (or anyone else) wants to try again tonight, just be online at 8 and we'll try to kill the bird.
Cyn (Blew)